Block 9 Riddim 2017 Samcriss Chillspot Recordz

“Block 9 Riddim” is a dancehall flavoured compilation Riddim Album from Zimbabwean producer Samcriss of the Chillspot "Mangoma Depot" Recordz team. Samcris is based in South Africa.The Riddim was released on the 22th Of September, 2017 and currently features Platinum Prince, CC, Kabhidha, Master H, Clatoh Fire, Dhada & Dobba Don. Expect more artists to feature on the riddim as Dhadza D has already done a track at Mangoma Depot in Mbare to be released anytime now.  
23/09/2017 Four More Tracks Have been released and it is hottin up as far as the Block 9 Riddim is concerned with the awaited fire colossal Dhadza D track is unleashed


  • DURATION : 00:18:38
  • FILE SIZE : 43.7 Mb
  • BIT RATE : 320

  • 1 - CC - 619

    2 - Clatoh Fire - Kushinga

    3 - Dobba Don - Kobo

    4 - Master H and Ryder Marcus - Kwedu Kughetto

    5 - Kabhidha - Ndouraya

    6 - Dhada - Zvatanga Rinhi

    7 - Platinum Prince - Long Time 
    8 - Dhadza D ft Jah Shoes - Sota

    9 - Fire B - Mabiko

    10 - Fido - Mamero

    11 - Batman - 2016 



Dadza D ft Tocky Vibes - The Beginning Of A New Riddim

"Worst Week Of My Life" Jah Prayzah

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